Clubs and Societies in Midhurst
For social and serious photographers, whether using digital or traditional equipment.
The Midhurst Players
Midhurst's amateur dramatics society - founded in 1950 and still treading the boards.
Midhurst Music Society
Midhurst Music Society presents classical music concerts, usually two a year, with other musical activities in between.
Graffham Rustics
The Rustics are a drama club for adults and youngsters alike
Knockhundred Shuttles
Midhurst's Knockhundred Shuttles Clog Morris team
Midhurst Lions Club
Serving the community and having fun at the same time
Blackdown Riding Club
Based at at Lower House Farm, Fernhurst
Midhurst and District Gardening Club
The club meet once a month and visit public and private gardens locally and further afield.
Midhurst Walking
Walking on Wednesdays. Midhurst Footpath Companions is a small walking club based in Midhurst. Most walks start from the car park next to the Causeway.
Midhurst Writers Group
A small group of people interested in writing, who meet each week at Stedham.
Midhurst Gun Club
Clay pigeon shooting on Stedham Common
Midhurst Motorcylce Club
If you like motorbikes and live in the Midhurst area, whether a rider or not.
Rother Angling Club
Provides fishing for match, pleasure and specialist anglers
Weight Watchers
A weekly Weight Watchers meeting takes place in Midhurst at the Methodist Church Hall each Monday. It will be run by Sue Beveridge and Laura Dalton. If you're interested in losing weight via the Weight Watchers method the best number for full details is 08457 123000.
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Tuesday February 11